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The Emotional Freedom Technique

(EFT/Tapping Therapy)

Do you ever feel worried, stressed or anxious, or have a history of abuse or trauma that is still affecting you now? If so, there’s a therapy called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that might help you feel better.

EFT involves tapping on certain points on the body while thinking about how you feel. It’s a bit like acupuncture, but instead of using needles, you use your fingers to tap on the points.

A woman demonstrating EFT

As a Life Coach and mental health therapist, I use EFT to help my clients feel better. On this page, we’ll explore what EFT is, how it works, and the benefits of using it. Plus, I share a story about how it aided a client, who goes by the name of Christine* (not her real name).

  • What is EFT?

    EFT is a type of therapy that involves tapping on certain parts of the body while considering how you feel. This process is based on the idea that emotions can affect the body’s energy system, and that by tapping on these points, you can help release negative emotions and restore balance to your energy system.

    It is effective when combined with the skills of someone trained in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) which looks at persuasive language patterns. By combining targeted messaging with the tapping technique, you can retrain the brain’s emotional memory and reactive stress patterns.

    A woman demontrating EFT

    What are the origins of EFT?

    EFT was created by Professor Gary Craig in the 1990s. The concept has its' origins in Thought Field Therapy (TFT), which is a form of therapy that requires tapping on the body to address emotional issues. This therapy fascinated Craig, and he used this to create EFT. It is now the most popular form of energy psychology. You can find out more about Professor Craig's work on his website here. 

    What are the benefits of EFT?

    EFT has shown to offer many benefits to those who use it. Some of the most reported benefits include:

    • A drawing of a woman in yoga pose


      Emotional wellbeing

      A happy woman waking up


      Physical health

      the back of a couple



      A drawing of a happy woman with hand in air


      Self esteem and self worth

      A drawing of hearts for flowers


      Stress and anxiety

    The Science behind EFT

    Ongoing research is being carried out to understand the benefits of EFT, however, there is now plenty of evidence to suggest that it can be effective for treating emotional and physical issues. Studies have shown that EFT can be helpful for reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

    If you would like to read more, see the study - ‘Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health’ and the Is Therapy Facing a Revolution? by Peta Stapleton TED Talk for further information.

  • The Story of Christine* (not her real name)

    Christine is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse who had struggled with trauma for many years. She had tried various forms of therapy but had found nothing that helped her until she discovered EFT.

    I worked with her using EFT and over several sessions and she was able to release the emotional blockages that had been holding her back for so long.

    She also gained a deeper understanding of her self-worth and developed the confidence and motivation she needed to reach her goals and form deeper, more meaningful relationships.

  • I am looking for EFT Therapy near me

    I provide in-person EFT therapy sessions in Comrie, near Perth, Scotland. I also provide on-line sessions if you prefer.  Please get in touch if you would like to find out more and book a session.

    As you can see, EFT is a powerful therapeutic tool that can help you release emotional blockages and promote healing. Although the science behind EFT is still being studied, there is evidence to suggest that it may be effective for treating a variety of emotional and physical issues.

    If you’re struggling with anxiety, stress, or other emotional issues, EFT may be worth exploring as a tool for healing and personal growth.

    Frequently asked questions

  • How long does it take for EFT to work?

    A: When combining EFT with NLP and counselling a language structure will emerge that can create a very effective set up, most people I work with experience immediate relief after a single session, while others may need it tweaked and practiced over a few weeks to see significant improvement.

    Often, if this happens, there is a secondary issue that needs to be unearthed and the EFT has to be adapted to reflect this.

    You will need to have a period of deep discussion to work out the deeper cause of your issues, identify the language phrases you are using, and adapt these to create the most effective response.

    Is EFT safe?

    A: EFT is generally considered safe, and there are few reported side effects. However, it is important to work with a qualified EFT practitioner if you are new to the technique, as tapping on the wrong points or using the wrong wording could cause emotional distress.

    Can EFT be used to treat physical pain?

    A: Although EFT is primarily used to treat emotional issues, there is some evidence to suggest that it can also be very effective for reducing physical pain. 

    Is it possible for me to practice EFT at home?

    A: Yes, EFT can be practiced at home. There are many online resources available, including guided EFT sessions and videos that show the tapping points.

    However, it’s important to work with a qualified EFT practitioner if you’re new to the technique, to ensure that you’re using it safely and effectively.

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